Introduction and Construction

    The lightsaber is known as the weapon of a Jedi Knight. It is an elegant weapon, but requires considerable mastery and skill on the part of the wielder. Its high energy characteristics in such close range, i.e., the length of a lightsaber blade, make it extremely lethal. Typically such disciplined training is only undertaken by Jedi apprentices.

     Individuals other than the Jedi have been known to construct and wield lightsabers. This is unusual in that the construction of a lightsaber is a small part of Jedi training, but cannot be attempted until a considerable amount of the training has been completed.

     There is no exact formula for the construction of a lightsaber. In part, this is because it is dependent on naturally occurring irregularly-shaped crystals. Since lightsabers are individually constructed, usually by the persons who intend to use them, their construction and external design tend to reflect in some fashion on their builders.



(Simplified Steps)


     A lightsaber is in many ways simpler than other weapons such as blasters, given its lack of mechanical parts. However, its dependence on arc wave energy mechanics requires that it be carefully integrated together and finely tuned. A carelessly constructed lightsaber can have catastrophic effects for the wielder. They have been known to detonate upon activation, resulting in the maiming or death of the wielder.

Power Assembly

     The principles behind the power source of a lightsaber are similar to those behind other hand-held weapons such as blasters. But more attention is paid to aligning the energy along the axis of the lightsaber.

Crystal Energy Chamber

     The energy from the power assembly is directed through the energy gate and into the crystals of the crystal energy chamber. The highly chaotic wide-spectrum energy which enters the chamber is transformed into narrow-spectrum energy, giving the lightsaber blade its distinct color and power/energy characteristics.

     Virtually any naturally occurring crystals may be used. But the resonance and spectrum narrowing characteristics vary with the material properties of the crystal. Kaiburr crystals are preferred, but are extremely rare.

Blade Generation

     Energy from the crystal energy change is converted into arc wave energy, which is visible as the blade of the lightsaber. The power and length of the blade may be adjusted to fit the specific circumstances, depending on the energy output of the material that the blade will encounter. Most common materials are relatively low energy compared to a lightsaber blade. Other the other hand, encounter with another lightsaber blade calls for higher energy, and therefore higher power output, characteristics.

Lightsaber Construction

     The creation of a Lightsaber is a lengthy and complex task, and a right of passage for apprentices into Knighthood. Both Master and apprentice follow the same practice, though a Master is more accomplished and works with a greater efficiency.

     Apprentices spend a great deal of time and effort in the construction of a Lightsaber. The Lightsaber is an elegant weapon of ancient technologies. The blade helps the young Jedi to focus, attuning them to the Force so that it flows more easily through them. It is used for combat whenever the need arises and no other alternative will work.

     All the controls and components fit into a compact handgrip 24 to 30 centimeters long, with the blades themselves extending up to 1.5 meters. When the Jedi activates the lightsaber, a tremendous charge of pure energy flows from the power cell. A series of multifaceted jewels focus the energy into a tight parallel beam.

     The types of crystals used to focus the energy from the power cell determines the harmonic resonance and lethality of the weapon. Almost any naturally occurring crystal can be used, but adegan crystals are the most often used ones. The Adegan family includes the following crystals in order of rarity. Prices

     Each saber beam has a unique frequency that determines the feel of the blade, how it handles when cutting something or contacting another saber blade. The cut of the crystal is what gives the saber blade its specific frequency, the frequency of each saber blade can be calculated from its blade color and pitch it generates. Sabers can use between one and three jewels to give their beam a specific frequency.

     Sabers with a single jewel have a fixed amplitude, which determines the blade length. Other sabers with multiple jewels can alter their amplitude, and thus the blade length by rotating or varying the separation between the jewels. The best sabers use natural jewels, but the Jedi can grow synthetic jewels with a small furnace and a few basic elements.

     Controls at the hilt of the saber adjust the power cell capacity and allow periodic recharging. The nature of the power cell is not as important as how it is integrated with the rest of the components. Though exact duration figures are not known, it is clear that Jedi can use their sabers for years at a time before recharging becomes necessary.

     To construct a Lightsaber from its component parts takes a minimum of four weeks and the Jedi must have the knowledge of how to construct a Lightsaber. This may be knowledge imparted by a Master or the Jedi can simply allow the Force to guide their hand.

     It can be noted that in times of extreme need, a Jedi can construct a Lightsaber in a far shorter time period, some Masters have been known to construct a Lightsaber in a matter of days. Do not let these tales of speedy lightsaber construction hasten you desire to build it quickly. To do so could result in you standing holding your nice new Lightsaber, depress the activation plate and then nothing happens. Worst case scenario is a power overload and then it explodes, taking your arm, if not your life with it. Patience is the key, for failure in this process is sure to lead to your death by the saber.

     A lightsaber should feel as if it is grown rather than a jumble of hardware. The Apprentice should see the parts as belonging together. None are more important than the other, each working with harmony. The apprentice should be attuned to there calm and passive feelings, removing from their life all unnecessary distractions.

     The Jedi, carefully manipulating the Force, binds the components together -- linking them on something more than a mechanical or material level, so they work with unimagined efficiency. Without this careful seasoning and conditions of the lightsaber, the blade would be flawed and would fail the Jedi.

     A Jedi must charge the power cell for the very first time. Begin the flow in the power cell and bathe the lightsaber with the Force, allow yourself to become one with the lightsaber. You become a conduit for the Force, and the Force will change the saber at an elemental level allowing more and more energy to flow into the cell and throughout the weapon.

Steps for Construction (Simplified)

The following steps are the general construction steps to follow, and usually take only a few hours to do.

  1. Snap the activation switch into place on the hilt, connect the connecters to the chosen circuit board.
  2. Place shielding tape along the switch and the location of the superconductor.
  3. Slip the gem stone(s) into place to focus the beam that will become the blade.
  4. Adjust, and place the continuous energy lens at the center, just above the gem stone(s).
  5. On the end of the hilt, where the beam will form, screw on the high energy flux aperture.
  6. Clip in energy cell, discharged, and connect the recharching socket.
  7. Plug the lightsaber into the recharcing station that will be used to charge the cell for the first time. From here, the Jedi will preform the final step in the creation of the lightsaber, melding each part into the other, creating the most efficient weapon in the known galaxy.

Note: This is the most critical part of the lightsaber construction. It will bond the lightsaber to the Jedi, as well as open a brand new door down the path of the Jedi's training.